Wellington Casino

Terms and Conditions of Use WELLINGTON CASINO

General Remarks

Access to and the use of services on the website www.wellington-casino.be are subject to the terms and conditions of use outlined below.

These general terms and conditions of use contain relevant legal information concerning the visit and utilization of services provided on the online gambling website of WELLINGTON CASINO.

By accessing this website, its pages, or the services offered, you expressly acknowledge that you have read and agree to these general terms and conditions of use without any restrictions.

For any inquiries regarding these General Terms and Conditions of Use or the Services offered by the Site, the Player is invited to contact WELLINGTON CASINO at the email address: info@wellington-casino.be

The Site offers online games of chance.

The Site offers visitors a legal online gambling service. To ensure the best visibility, understanding, and gaming experience, in accordance with legal requirements and the directives of the Gaming Commission, the online gaming offering consists of games of chance with automatic games (such as dice games) for which Sonic S.A. holds a Class B+ license (B+3882).

Some games of chance may be prohibited in your country of residence by law or subject to certain conditions. The Site cannot be held responsible for the non-compliance of its games with the law applicable in your country of residence, except in Belgium. Therefore, it is your responsibility, before registering on the Site, to inform yourself about the laws in effect in your country of residence.

Table of Contents

Article 1 – Identification

Article 2 - Purpose

Article 3 – Definitions

Article 4 – Modification

Article 5 - Services

Article 6 – Registration

Article 7 – Deposit Limit

Article 8 – Limitation of cash usage

Article 9 – Obligations regarding Site Usage

Article 10 - Guarantees

Article 11 – Terms of Game usage

Article 12 – Intellectual Property

Article 13 – Protection of Personal Data and Use of Cookies

Article 14 – Duration

Article 15 – Suspension or Account Closure by WELLINGTON CASINO

Article 16 – Self-Exclusion

Article 17 – Responsible Gaming

Article 18 – Miscellaneous

Article 19 – Applicable Law and Jurisdictional Allocation Clause


Article 1 – Identification

The private limited liability company (SRL) LOR INVEST, with its registered office at Chaussée de Fleurus 347/A001, 6060 Gilly, registered with the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises under the number 0683.562.661, holding a Belgian E license granted by the Gaming Commission, is the owner of the platform operated through the website www.wellington-casino.be.

The public limited company (SA) SONIC, with its registered office at Chaussée de Fleurus 347/A001, 6060 Gilly, registered with the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises under the number 0451.511.739, is responsible for the gambling games operated on the website www.wellington-casino.be. This legal gambling offering is operated under the Belgian license for the operation of a virtual gaming room of Class II, bearing the number B+3882.

These two entities are hereinafter referred to as "WELLINGTON CASINO."


Article 2 – Purpose

These General Terms and Conditions of Use (abbreviated as "GTC") aim to define the rights and obligations of Users/Players in the context of using the Services provided by WELLINGTON CASINO. They come into effect on the date of their publication on the Site.

By using the Site, the Player confirms their acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions of Use.

If you do not unconditionally accept these General Terms and Conditions of Use, do not access this Site and do not use these Services.

As long as the Player accepts and adheres to these General Terms and Conditions of Use, WELLINGTON CASINO grants them a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sub-licensable, and limited right to enter and use the Site and the Services.


Article 3 – Definitions

In the General Terms and Conditions of Use, words or expressions beginning with a capital letter have the following meanings:

 - Player Account: a personal account opened by an individual (the "Player") that allows them, under the conditions defined by this contract, to access the software for playing online gambling games or conducting transactions related to bets.

- Contract: refers to all the clauses described in these general terms and conditions of use, the regulations and instructions for gambling games, the Privacy Policy, and the Cookie Policy of WELLINGTON CASINO available on the Site.

- Winnings: the financial means that the Player receives at the end of a Game.

- Game: a game of chance offered by WELLINGTON CASINO.

- Gambling Game: any game in which a stake of any kind is involved, with the consequence of either the loss of the stake by at least one of the players or the gain of any kind by at least one of the players or organizers.

- Player: refers to any person at least 21 years of age who has registered on the Site and holds a Player Account.

- Cash Player: a player who participates in WELLINGTON CASINO services with cash bets.

- Demo Player: a player who participates in WELLINGTON CASINO services without making cash bets.

- Bet: the financial means that the Player risks in the game.

- Round: the game starts with the bet and ends with the result.

- Site: refers to the WELLINGTON CASINO website, available at the URL www.wellington-casino.be.

- Customer Service: a service to which any visitor can address for more information or assistance.

- Game Session: the interval between the start and the closure of a game during which one or more rounds can take place.

- WELLINGTON CASINO: all the services offered by the Company through internet-based instruments. This includes, without being exhaustive: www.wellington-casino.be, and social media.


Article 4 – Modification

WELLINGTON CASINO reserves the right, at any time and without prior notice, at its discretion, to modify and update these General Terms and Conditions of Use, the access, and the content of its Site.

In the event of a modification to these General Terms and Conditions of Use, the Player is informed upon their next login to the Site, through an appropriate notification. The Player then expressly and irrevocably accepts the modifications.

Any login to the Site by the Player after being informed of the changes to the Site's features or amendments to the General Terms and Conditions of Use constitutes acceptance of the changes made.

Refusal to accept the new General Terms and Conditions of Use automatically implies the Player's decision to close their Player Account.


Article 5 – Services

The purpose of the Site is to offer Players paid online gambling Services under the supervision of the Belgian Gaming Commission.

The Services are provided by WELLINGTON CASINO.

Depending on the Player's country of residence or nationality and the applicable regulations in their country, the Player may not be able to use the Services. It is the Player's responsibility to comply with the rules and laws of their country of residence and/or the country from which they access the Site and the Services provided by WELLINGTON CASINO.

The Player, therefore, commits to observing the applicable regulations of their country. WELLINGTON CASINO and its partners cannot, in any case, be held responsible for any potential breach by the Player in this regard.


Article 6 – Registration

6.1. Opening a Player Account and Registration

Participation in gambling games available on the Site requires the opening of a personal Player Account by completing the registration form provided for this purpose.

The Player Account is personal and nominative.

Without a Player Account, it is impossible to play on the Site.

The opening of a Player Account on the Site is only permitted for individuals with legal capacity who have reached the minimum age of 21. In this regard, WELLINGTON CASINO reserves the right to demand proof of the Player's age and to perform checks on the provided information at any time. A Player Account may be suspended until satisfactory proof of the Player's age is provided to WELLINGTON CASINO.

The Player cannot open a Player Account on the Site if they have been banned from gambling by the Gaming Commission and/or under the laws of their country of residence.

To validly open an Account, the Player must provide the following personal information:

1. Last name;

2. First name;

3. Address;

4. Nationality;

5. Gender;

6. Date of birth;

7. Country of residence;

8. National identity number or passport number (for non-Belgian residents);

9. Phone number or mobile phone number;

10. Mailing address;

11. Email address.

In addition to the aforementioned information, the Player must create login information:

1. A username;

2. A user ID (username); and

3. A password.

WELLINGTON CASINO reserves the right to prohibit the use of inappropriate usernames.

Only the username will be visible to other Players on the Site. The user ID and password remain strictly confidential.

Once the information is entered, the Player accepts the General Terms and Conditions of Use, the Privacy Policy, and the Cookie Policy by explicitly checking the box:


The Player can now access their "User Account," as well as the online gambling applications and make deposits of money.

To validate their email address and activate the money withdrawal function on the Site, an email will be sent to the Player upon registration, containing a hyperlink on which they will be invited to click. A page on the Site will then inform them that their account has been successfully validated.

WELLINGTON CASINO acknowledges receipt of the documents submitted by the Player and conducts any necessary verification to ensure the consistency of the information provided on the online registration form with the documents submitted.

If it appears that the aforementioned registration conditions are not/no longer met, or that the provided information is not or no longer accurate/sincere/complete/current, WELLINGTON CASINO reserves the right to refuse the opening of the Player Account or to close the Player Account.

Each individual is only authorized to have one Player Account on the Site at most. If WELLINGTON CASINO finds or reasonably suspects that a single individual directly or indirectly controls multiple accounts, WELLINGTON CASINO reserves the right to block the different Player Accounts and the sums available in them.

The Player Account is strictly personal, cannot be transferred to a third party, or used by a third party.


6.2. Account and Password

The Player is responsible for any activity on their Player Account.

The Player maintains the confidentiality of information related to their Player Account, including their password and all operations carried out on it.

The Player undertakes to immediately notify WELLINGTON CASINO by email in case of unauthorized use of their Player Account, password, or any security breach.

The Player may be held responsible for damages suffered by WELLINGTON CASINO or any other Player on the Site due to the use of their username, password, or account by another person.

WELLINGTON CASINO cannot be held responsible for any losses or damages incurred by the Player as a result of unauthorized use of their login information by third parties, even without their knowledge.

In case of forgetting their password, the Player clicks on the "FORGOTTEN PASSWORD?" link on the Site's homepage. They then enter the email address linked to their Player Account. WELLINGTON CASINO will send the Player an email containing a link to generate a new password.


Article 7 – Deposit Limit

In accordance with the Royal Decree of June 19, 2022, the weekly deposit limit is set at 200 EUR.

If the Player wishes to increase this limit, they must submit a specific request through the "deposit" tab or via their Player Account settings to set the desired new limit.

The request will be processed and accepted within 72 hours, except for individuals known to be in default with the Central Individual Credit Register.

When the Player wishes to decrease the amount of their personal limit, this decrease is immediate.

The Player has no recourse against WELLINGTON CASINO regarding the application of deposit limits, regardless of the limit. WELLINGTON CASINO will always activate the stricter limit.


Article 8 – Limitation of the Use of Cash

In accordance with Article 67, § 2, of the law on the prevention of the use of the financial system for money laundering and terrorist financing, a payment or donation cannot be made or received in cash exceeding 3,000 EUR, or its equivalent in another currency, in the context of an operation or a set of related operations.

Therefore, the cash limit of 3,000 EUR applies to the bets made by a Player to WELLINGTON CASINO.

Regarding operations in which WELLINGTON CASINO pays a Win to a Player, the cash limit of 2,000 EUR is applicable.

Furthermore, in accordance with Article 58 of the Law of May 7, 1999, on Games of Chance, an operation amounting to 10,000 EUR or more must be carried out using a credit card or debit card.


Article 9 – Obligations related Site use.

 By using the services of the Site, the Player agrees to:

1. Use the Site and its Services only for the purposes authorized by:

   a. the General Terms of Use, including the Betting or Gaming Regulations; and

   b. any law, regulation, or generally accepted practice or directive in the Player's place of residence.

2. Not disrupt or interfere with the security or engage in any form of abuse of the Site, or of all the services, system resources, accounts, servers, or networks connected to or accessible through the Site or related or linked websites.

3. Not create or use a false identity on this site.

4. Not disseminate false information or illegal advertisements.

5. Not attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Site.

6. Not use the Site for illegal purposes or activities that may harm the reputation of WELLINGTON CASINO (or third parties).

7. Not modify or attempt to modify, by any means or instruments, the software, gaming devices, or bets offered, especially with the intent to alter their results.

8. Not use or attempt to use stochastic calculation (martingale) or any software with artificial intelligence related to the use of games or bets.

9. Not infringe on the intellectual property rights of WELLINGTON CASINO or third parties.

10. Not reproduce, without the authorization of WELLINGTON CASINO, on any medium, all or part of the content of the Site.

11. Not use the personal data that the Player may access via the Site to send unsolicited messages to other Internet users ("spamming"), for commercial or non-commercial purposes, or in any other unauthorized manner.

12. Not download, send, transmit by email, or in any other way transmit any content that is illegal, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, pornographic, invasive of others' privacy, hateful, racist, or otherwise objectionable.

13. Comply with any potential tax obligations.

14. Do not allow a third party, in any form whatsoever, to use your personal data, payment methods, or user account to access the services of WELLINGTON CASINO.

15. Do not use the personal data, payment methods, or user account of another Player or any other person, even with their consent, to access the services of WELLINGTON CASINO.

16. Respond to any request from WELLINGTON CASINO regarding your account and provide WELLINGTON CASINO with any documents or evidence that it deems necessary regarding your age, bank data, deposits, etc.

In addition, the Player agrees to be solely responsible for the actions and communications made or transmitted through the Site, particularly through their account.

In case of non-compliance with the provisions stipulated in Article 9 of these General Terms of Use, WELLINGTON CASINO reserves the right to take legal action against the Player. These legal actions may include, but are not limited to, legal actions to enforce the stated terms and conditions and/or a request for compensation to cover any damage suffered due to such non-compliance. This compensation may include legal fees, financial losses, and any other harm suffered by WELLINGTON CASINO.


Article 10 – Guarantees

The Player assumes full responsibility for the use of the Site. Unless otherwise provided and to the maximum extent permitted by law, this Site and all its content, software, gaming or betting services offered, and the information on or related to it are provided "as is" and "as available," without any warranty of any kind, either express or implied. In particular, WELLINGTON CASINO does not guarantee that the Site and its software will meet the Player's requirements, be uninterrupted, appropriate at all times, secure, free from errors or bugs, or not infringe on the intellectual property rights of third parties. WELLINGTON CASINO does not guarantee that any defects, if any, will be corrected.

As a result of the foregoing, the Player acknowledges that WELLINGTON CASINO, its officers, employees, agents, or subcontractors cannot be held liable for the services provided or the information made available for any direct or indirect damages or losses that the Player may incur, as well as for any intangible damages such as loss of profits, loss of opportunity, loss of earnings, loss of use, loss or alteration of data, or the costs incurred in acquiring substitute goods or services, resulting from the use or operation of the Site and/or the Services offered or the data accessible via the Site, even if WELLINGTON CASINO has been informed of the possibility of such damages.

WELLINGTON CASINO cannot be held responsible if, for any reason beyond its control, one or more games, bets, or services are modified, postponed, canceled, or temporarily made unavailable due to maintenance or updates.

Likewise, WELLINGTON CASINO reserves the right to interrupt or suspend one or more of the games, bets, or services offered on the Sites at any time and without notice, without having to justify the reason or grounds. In this case, WELLINGTON CASINO's liability cannot be engaged in any way, and Players cannot claim any compensation of any kind.

In case of system errors that occur in the context of account clearing or at the level of software features or components, neither WELLINGTON CASINO nor the software provider can be held responsible to the Player or any third party for any costs, expenses, losses, or claims resulting from such errors. In the event of such errors, WELLINGTON CASINO reserves the right to delete all games affected by the software and the Site, cancel all bets or games affected by such an error, including the cancellation of all winnings by players attributable to such an error, and take any other necessary action to correct such an error.

In any case, if WELLINGTON CASINO's liability is to be recognized, for whatever reason or grounds, including negligence, for any damage or inconvenience, of any nature, direct or indirect, foreseeable or unforeseeable, including in particular damages resulting from addiction to gambling (medical care, loss of employment, hospitalization costs, etc.), the maximum amount of compensation for which WELLINGTON CASINO may be held liable will be limited to the lower of the following amounts, all causes and damages combined;


The Player declares and guarantees:

1. That they have read and fully understand the General Terms and Conditions of Use, accept the rules specific to games of chance and bets available on the Site.

2. That they understand that they can win or lose money when participating in games or bets on the Site and agree to assume the consequences of any financial losses and waive any recourse against WELLINGTON CASINO in this regard.

3. That they are of legal age to open an account and are not subject to any legal prohibition.

4. That they are not subject to a gaming prohibition by the Belgian Gaming Commission or any other organization, and they are not banned from games on the Sites by WELLINGTON CASINO.

5. That the information and personal data they provide are accurate, sincere, and complete.

6. That the funds they use for playing or betting on the Sites are not of illegal origin.

7. That they will not engage in criminal activities directly or indirectly involving a Player Account and agree not to use the Services for the purpose of transferring funds or engaging in illegal or fraudulent activities or any prohibited transactions (including money laundering), in accordance with the laws of all jurisdictions to which they are subject.

8. That they are not a professional player of any sport, competition, or league for which WELLINGTON CASINO offers bets.

9. That they are not acting on behalf of a third party.


The Player agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold WELLINGTON CASINO, its directors, employees, representatives, and suppliers, as well as any possible third-party partners, harmless from all possible losses, expenses, claims, and expenses, including attorney's fees, arising from any breach of these GCU on their part.


Article 11 – Terms of Game usage

 11.1. Access to the Site

 Participation in the Games is exclusively through the information society, namely through the Site. Players access the Site's Services by logging in.

The Site is accessible via any computing equipment, including a computer, mobile phone, or any other device that allows a connection to the Internet. Some Games may require the download of specific game software.

To connect to the Site, the Player acknowledges and agrees that they must have the necessary hardware and software equipment and an internet connection compatible with the conditions of the Games provided by the Site.

The Player is responsible, at their own expense, for the suitable telecommunications and computer equipment enabling access to the Site and WELLINGTON CASINO's Services. The Player is fully responsible for the correct operation of all their computer and electronic equipment as well as their internet connection.


The Player must ensure that their equipment is:

1. Free of viruses and malfunctions.

2. Equipped with the latest updates of their operating system.

3. Equipped with at least one antivirus with the latest update.

4. Possesses sufficient security to prevent a third party from gaining access to data related to the Services provided to the Player.


In no case will WELLINGTON CASINO be held responsible for technical malfunctions beyond its control and/or control.

The Player assumes the technical risks in case of service disruptions or interruptions, especially those related to power outages, telephone or internet connection interruptions, malfunctions, or network and system overload. WELLINGTON CASINO is not responsible for risks related to internet access and risks related to the remote transmission of data by Players.


WELLINGTON CASINO recommends the following configuration for accessing the Site:

1. Hardware and operating system:

   a. PC with Windows; or

   b. Mac

2. Browser:

   a. Firefox or Chrome;

   b. JavaScript must be enabled in the browser.

   c. The browser must be configured to allow cookies.

   d. Adobe Flash must be installed in the browser.

3. Connection type:

   a. ADSL 512 minimum: if the Player does not have this configuration, they take and accept the risk of not being able to benefit from the Services offered by WELLINGTON CASINO.


11.2. Gameplay

Participation in a Game begins with placing a certain amount of money. The Bets and possible Winnings are available in the Game Rules. The Player has a free choice of Bet for each new game. Any Bet is immediately debited from the Player's Account.

If the Player's Account is not sufficiently funded for the chosen Bet, the Player cannot participate in the desired game.

At the end of a game, the Player is immediately informed of the result; any potential winnings are credited to their Player Account. In case a game is interrupted before completion by the Player's action, the Player loses the chance to win. In the event of a game being interrupted before completion due to a technical problem, the Player must contact customer service immediately. After analyzing the course of the game and the technical problem, WELLINGTON CASINO will prepare a technical report within a minimum of 72 hours, taking into account the applicable game rules. The technical report on the course of this game is the only evidence for calculating the loss or gain and is not subject to discussion. The file regarding the technical issue is closed within 30 days of its opening.

In the event that it is found that the course of one or more games does not or did not comply with the game rules or these conditions, for any reason, WELLINGTON CASINO reserves the right to correct the outcome of those games to make it comply with the normal course of the game. Any gains or losses by the player in an erroneous game may also be corrected by WELLINGTON CASINO, without prior notice to the player. The technical report on the course of the erroneous game is the only evidence for calculating the (corrected) loss or gain and is not subject to discussion.

The rules for Games offered by WELLINGTON CASINO are subject to specific terms of use that you can consult in each of the games.


11.3. Deposit and Withdrawal of Money

The use of the Player's Account by the Player is strictly limited to participation in online games available on the Site, excluding any other use, especially as a bank account. Any amount of money related to a Player's Account may not, in any case, generate interest.

The cash withdrawal function will only be available after the player account has been authenticated

A minimum deposit of ten (10) euros is required.

As part of responsible gaming awareness and for the protection of the Player by WELLINGTON CASINO, the Player is informed that they can set deposit limits for all games of chance they participate in on the Site at any time.

Subject to compliance with all the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, WELLINGTON CASINO undertakes to execute, upon the first request of Players, any withdrawal of winnings, with a minimum of twenty (20) euros, provided that the Player's account balance is positive.

To be able to request a withdrawal, the user is required to provide correct data for their personal account, validate their email address, and have their identity data verified. WELLINGTON CASINO reserves the right to carry out additional security checks at any time, such as address verification, credit card verification, etc., at its sole discretion. The withdrawal will be suspended until the security check has been successfully completed. Failure to verify these documents within the specified time frames may result in the cancellation of the withdrawal, or even the closure of the account and the cancellation of credits.

Payments from 50 EUR to 500 EUR are processed instantly. By default, you are allowed up to three instant payments per 24-hour period.
For amounts exceeding 500 EUR, manual approval is required. However, once approved, the payments are also processed immediately.

Withdrawal requests for amounts exceeding 2,000 EUR will only be processed after a thorough verification process to combat money laundering and terrorism financing.

Withdrawals may be delayed due to security checks and verifications of user winnings and activities. An investigation into gaming and winnings may delay payment for up to ninety (90) business days.

Failure to comply with these verification conditions may result in the refusal of a withdrawal.

WELLINGTON CASINO reserves the right, at its sole discretion and depending on the circumstances, to apply withdrawal limits for winnings. These limits are set at one thousand (1,000) euros per day, with a maximum of five thousand (5,000) euros per week and ten thousand (10,000) euros per month. The Player agrees to comply with these limits and understands that they may be adjusted as needed. WELLINGTON CASINO undertakes to inform the Player of any changes to these limits through appropriate means of communication.

The payment of any amount of money will be executed by WELLINGTON CASINO only to the extent that the Player does not owe any amount to WELLINGTON CASINO and after verifying the correct course of the game, the absence of any cheating, fraud, and no error in the Software or human error that resulted in unjustified winnings or losses for a Player.

WELLINGTON CASINO does not charge any commission or fees of any kind on deposits or withdrawals, regardless of the payment method used. However, WELLINGTON CASINO reserves the right to apply a 15% administration fee on transactions (withdrawals and deposits) that do not pertain solely to game participation (including in the case of consecutive deposits and withdrawals without stakes).

The Player irrevocably and definitively waives the right to object or refuse any payment of sums due to WELLINGTON CASINO. Furthermore, the Player authorizes WELLINGTON CASINO to deduct from their Player Account any sums that may have been unduly received as a result of fraud or Site or game services malfunction.

The Player agrees to indemnify WELLINGTON CASINO for any loss it may incur in connection with the Player's payments or failures to pay, or the Player's improper or abusive use of their account.

Depending on the payment method used, fees may potentially be charged to the Player by their bank or payment service provider. WELLINGTON CASINO cannot in any case be held responsible for these fees, as the Player is responsible for obtaining information in advance from their financial institution or payment service provider about any transaction fees that may be charged.

The Player acknowledges that any financial transaction is subject to the usual banking delays. It is also the Player's responsibility to verify that all information necessary for the transaction validation has been communicated to WELLINGTON CASINO. In no case can WELLINGTON CASINO be held responsible in the event of a payment made to the bank account of a Player that has been hacked.

The details of the debit card, or any other means of payment used to deposit funds into the Player's Account, provided by the Player when registering to use the Company's Services, belong to the registered Player Account holder, and these cards are not stolen or reported lost.

The transfer of credit cannot be carried out until the Player's Account has been validated by WELLINGTON CASINO.

WELLINGTON CASINO reserves the right to request any information or document deemed necessary to validate deposits and withdrawals of money, such as, non-exhaustively, a photocopy of the identity card or a photocopy of the bank card.

Once your request is validated, deposits made by debit card or by any other payment method are processed instantly, unless there is a technical problem.

Any account not verified within 3 months may be suspended by WELLINGTON CASINO


11.4. Source of Funds

In accordance with the law of September 18, 2017, the Player declares and guarantees to WELLINGTON CASINO that the funds used to play on the Site do not come from illegal sources. The Player undertakes not to use the Services to transfer funds, engage in fraudulent or unlawful activity, or perform any internal transaction (including transactions that use the financial system for money laundering and terrorism financing).


Article 12 – Intellectual Property

The Player acknowledges being informed that WELLINGTON CASINO holds or is the beneficiary of intellectual property rights related to all trademarks, trade names, signs, company names, domain names or URLs, logos, photographs, databases, sounds, videos, animations, images, texts, etc., or any other distinctive signs, as well as the software and games presented on the Site.

The Player is granted only a personal, non-exclusive, temporary, revocable, and non-transferable license strictly limited to the non-commercial use of the software and programs on the Site.

Any other use of the gaming services or distinctive signs of WELLINGTON CASINO outside of the Player's legitimate and authorized access is strictly prohibited.

The Player shall refrain from infringing in any way the intellectual property rights mentioned above, including but not limited to reproducing, communicating, making partial use of distinctive signs, or using any or part of the content of the software, games, websites, or any elements of the websites without the prior written consent of WELLINGTON CASINO.


Article 13 – Protection of Personal Data and Use of Cookies

WELLINGTON CASINO takes the utmost care in safeguarding the personal data provided by the Player.

The Privacy Policy and the Cookie Policy are available on the Website:




Article 14 – Duration

The Player can access the Services once their registration is validated by WELLINGTON CASINO.

These General Terms of Use remain valid for an indefinite period, until the termination of the Player's Account or longer for clauses in these General Terms of Use that, by their nature, continue to apply after such termination.


Article 15 – Suspension or Closure of Player Account

15.1. Suspension or Closure of Player Account by WELLINGTON CASINO

WELLINGTON CASINO reserves the right to suspend, terminate the registration, and close a Player's account, either temporarily or permanently, without prior notice or compensation, even during a game, particularly in the following cases:

1.     The Player's account has remained inactive for an uninterrupted period of 12 months or more.

2.     WELLINGTON CASINO believes that the Player has violated one or more provisions of these General Terms of Use.

3.     The Player has not provided all the required supporting documents for the validation of their player account within the specified timeframes.

4.     The documents or information provided to WELLINGTON CASINO are incomplete or inaccurate.

5.     The registration conditions are not met or are no longer met.

6.     The Player is subject to a gambling ban.

7.     In case of an abusive use of the account opening procedure.

8.     In the event of mere suspicion or confirmation by WELLINGTON CASINO of fraud or illicit activity by the Player or an attempt to illicitly use the Sites, Software, or gaming services, including the use of another Player's account (even with their consent) or the use of stolen credit or debit cards.

9.     Any act of hacking the Sites, Software, or gaming services, including infringement of WELLINGTON CASINO's intellectual property rights.

10.  Any act or attempt at collusion between Players.


In the event of the suspension or closure of a Player's Account for the reasons mentioned above, WELLINGTON CASINO has a right to withhold any funds in the player's account to cover any potential administrative fees and damages owed by the player. The Player will be notified of the suspension or closure of their account via email.


WELLINGTON CASINO reserves the right to:

1.     Inform all relevant authorities, including judicial authorities, of any illicit or suspected activities by a Player.

2.     Block the Player's assets to prevent the consequences of any suspected or proven misuse or illicit use of the Sites or gaming services.

3.     Initiate any necessary or useful legal action to put an end to the Player's alleged breach, obtain compensation for the damages suffered by WELLINGTON CASINO, or recover any winnings that may have been paid to the Player subsequently or due to the alleged breach.


Article 15.2. Closure of Account by the Player

The Player can terminate their account at any time by sending a registered letter to WELLINGTON CASINO, Chaussée de Fleurus 347/A001 6060 Gilly (Belgium), or by email.

The termination of the contract will take effect when the Player receives written notification from WELLINGTON CASINO confirming that the Contract has ended.

The Player can also request a self-exclusion from the Belgian Gaming Commission at any time.


15.3. Consequences of Player Account Termination

The termination of the Player's Account implies that the Player:

1.Ceases all use of the Site, Software, and Games.

2. Deletes all copies of them from their computer or any other medium.


Temporary closure of a Player's Account results in an immediate block of the funds in it.

Permanent closure of a Player's Account results in an immediate transfer of the funds in the Player's Account to their bank account, provided that no fraudulent activity that led to the account's blockage has been performed by the account holder.

 A closed Account cannot be reactivated.

WELLINGTON CASINO will inform the Player of the closure of their Player Account.


Article 16 – Self-Exclusion

The closure mentioned in Article 15 of these General Terms of Use is separate from the self-exclusion request that can be submitted to the Belgian Gaming Commission, and it will have an impact on both land-based gaming establishments, betting, and casinos as well as online sites.

It is recommended that the Player completes the self-exclusion form available on the Belgian Gaming Commission's website if needed.


Article 17 – Responsible Gaming

WELLINGTON CASINO encourages the Player to engage in moderate and responsible gaming.

 The Player can access the "RESPONSIBLE GAMING" section at any time, accessible on all pages of the WELLINGTON CASINO website. Within this section, the Player will find all the moderation tools available on the site, advice from the problem gambling prevention service to mitigate the risk of addiction, the procedure for self-exclusion, and a list of organizations specialized in combating addiction.

The Player is informed that increasing the duration or frequency of gaming can lead to dependency in some individuals. Addiction is characterized by an inappropriate, persistent, and repetitive gaming practice where the enjoyment of gaming transforms into an urgent need to play, often to the detriment of the Player and their surroundings.

WELLINGTON CASINO has also developed a tool that generates a warning message to inform the Player about their spending status. The frequency of these warnings can be adjusted. Additionally, a gaming limitation and/or time restriction tool is available to the Player.


Article 18 – Miscellaneous

18.1. Verification

WELLINGTON CASINO may verify a Player's solvency at any time, with the assistance of financial institutions and third-party payment providers, as well as any data related to their registration and account.

WELLINGTON CASINO may also request the Player's bank account details and financial transaction information at any time related to the use of the Site.

WELLINGTON CASINO may verify the Player's identity at any time using the "Liveness" system. This biometric system allows for the real-time verification of the identity of the Player who personally appears in front of their computer camera.


18.2. Right of Withdrawal

The right of withdrawal described in this article applies only to Players who act as consumers.

The Player has a period of fourteen (14) calendar days from the opening of their Player Account to withdraw from the contract without penalties and without stating a reason. This period begins from the day the contract is concluded, which is the day the Player accepted these General Terms of Use.

During this withdrawal period, the contract's execution can only begin with the Player's agreement. The Player expressly acknowledges and accepts that any deposit made during the withdrawal period constitutes the Player's agreement to start the contract's execution during the withdrawal period.

If the Player exercises their right of withdrawal after the contract's execution has started with their agreement, the Player is only liable for paying, as soon as possible, for the Services effectively provided by WELLINGTON CASINO.

If the Player exercises their right of withdrawal after the contract's execution has started with their agreement, this automatically implies the Player's decision to close their Player Account.

If the Player does not exercise their right of withdrawal within the fourteen (14) calendar days, the contract will continue in accordance with the provisions of these General Terms of Use.

In accordance with Article VI.53, 13° of the Economic Law Code, the Player does not have the right of withdrawal concerning deposits and withdrawals of money. Article VI.53 of the Economic Law Code states that "the consumer cannot exercise the right of withdrawal provided for in Article VI.47 of the Economic Law Code for: the supply of digital content not supplied on a tangible medium if the performance has begun with the consumer's prior express consent, and with the acknowledgment that he thereby loses his right of withdrawal." The Player acknowledges that they cannot exercise the right of withdrawal in the case of deposit or withdrawal orders, even within the fourteen (14) calendar days following the opening of an account with WELLINGTON CASINO.


18.3. Complaints

For any complaints related to games or payment of winnings, the Player can either go directly to the Site, under the "Help" tab, or send a separate email to support@wellington-casino.be

Complaints must be submitted within 7 days of the incident giving rise to the complaint. Otherwise, the complaint will not be considered. However, the Player acknowledges that WELLINGTON CASINO is not obligated to investigate or take action on a complaint made by one Player against another Player.

Any complaint will be processed during business days, within a maximum of 72 hours. In case of additional investigations by our game providers, an additional 72-hour delay may be required.

A Player who wishes to request information or file a complaint related to an online gambling site can contact the Belgian Gaming Commission, providing at least their name, first name, and date of birth.

This can be done by mail to the following address:

Belgian Gaming Commission, Cantersteen, 47, 1000 BRUSSELS.


18.4. Transferability of the Contract

The rights and obligations of the Player cannot be transferred to a third party without the prior consent of WELLINGTON CASINO.

WELLINGTON CASINO is authorized to sell the Software, the Site, or all or part of the gaming services without the prior consent of the Player.


18.5. Security

WELLINGTON CASINO implements security measures to protect the personal information provided by the Player against unauthorized access and use. However, the Player acknowledges and accepts that transmissions over the Internet are never entirely confidential and secure. The Player acknowledges that any message or information transmitted on the Site may be read or intercepted by others, even if a special notice indicates that a given transmission is encrypted.


18.6. Service Availability

Connecting to the Site and using the services offered involves awareness and acceptance of the characteristics and limitations of the Internet network, particularly regarding technical performance, response times for consultation, query or transfer of information, the risk of interruption, and, more generally, the inherent risks of any connection and transmission on the Internet or mobile phone networks, the lack of protection for certain data against possible diversion, and the risk of contamination by potential computer viruses circulating on the Internet and mobile phone networks.

WELLINGTON CASINO will do its utmost to ensure that the Site and files that can be downloaded from it are free of bugs, viruses, trojan horses, and unauthorized spyware. However, WELLINGTON CASINO cannot, in any case, be held responsible, without limitation, for:

1.     The transmission and reception or non-reception of any data and/or information on the Internet or mobile phone networks;

2.     Any malfunction of the Internet and mobile phone networks preventing the proper functioning of our Services;

3.     Failure of any reception equipment or communication lines.

4.     Loss of any data;

5.     Malfunction of any software;

6.     Consequences of any computer virus or bug, technical malfunction;

7.     Any damage to a User's computer or mobile phone;

8.     Any technical, material, and software malfunction of any nature that has damaged a User's computer and/or mobile phone;


It is the Player's responsibility to take appropriate measures to protect their own data on their computer, tablet, and/or mobile phone from any violation.

WELLINGTON CASINO is only bound by an obligation of means in the continuity of its Services.

The Site is generally accessible 7 days a week and 24 hours a day, except for interruptions, whether scheduled or not, for maintenance or in cases of force majeure.

Are considered to constitute a case of force majeure : events outside WELLINGTON CASINO's control, including, but not limited to, a power failure, computer failure, telecommunication blockage, fire, flood, natural disaster, epidemic, pandemic, strikes by its staff or one of its subcontractors or suppliers, war, terrorist attack, riots, or occupation of the territory by foreign forces, negligence by a third party such as the individuals responsible for delivering electricity or telecommunications services, government restrictions, regulations, or laws, legal or regulatory changes to marketing forms, and any other event beyond the control of either party that prevents the normal execution of these General Terms of Use, are considered to constitute a case of force majeure. WELLINGTON CASINO and the Player must notify each other of any force majeure event by any available means.

 WELLINGTON CASINO cannot be held responsible for the malfunctioning of technical devices beyond its control and accepts no direct or indirect responsibility for the services and products to which they refer.


18.7. Hyperlinks

18.7.1. Linking to Site Pages

All links to the homepage or any web page of the Site can only be established with the prior written consent of WELLINGTON CASINO and provided that the mention "WELLINGTON CASINO" or any equivalent or more precise mention is clearly indicated on the link or in its vicinity.

This authorization does not apply to websites disseminating information that is unlawful, violent, polemical, pornographic, xenophobic, or potentially offensive to the general public.

Permission for the establishment of links as mentioned in this article must be requested to the following address: info@wellington-casino.be. The request must include the address of the web page (URL) where the link will appear on the third-party site.


18.7.2. Inclusions and Use of Frames

Any use or reproduction, even partial, of any element of the Site within a third-party site through inclusion processes, frames, inlining, or any similar method is strictly prohibited.


18.7.3. Links Referenced on the Site

The Site may contain links to websites or web pages belonging to third parties. Such sites are provided for the Player's convenience and information only. WELLINGTON CASINO provides no warranty and assumes no liability for third-party hyperlinks or the content of those sites. Access to these websites is at the Player's own risk. The Player acknowledges that these websites may be subject to other terms of use and privacy provisions than those applicable to the present Site.


18.8. Non-Waiver

The fact that WELLINGTON CASINO does not require the strict application of any of the terms, commitments, or conditions in these General Terms of Use from the User can never be interpreted as WELLINGTON CASINO waiving their right to enforce them, or as an abandonment of their rights. WELLINGTON CASINO may at any time demand that the User strictly and fully comply with all or part of these terms, commitments, and conditions of its General Terms of Use.


18.9. Nullity

The clauses in these General Terms of Use must always be interpreted so that they comply with applicable law.

The nullity, annulment, or unenforceability of any provision in these General Terms due to a contradiction with current legal or regulatory provisions will not affect the validity of the other provisions of these General Terms, which will retain their full legal force.

The provision, whether in whole or in part, null, void, or unenforceable, will be deemed unwritten and will be replaced or considered to have been replaced by a similar provision that complies with the law and pursues the same purpose as the unenforceable provision, to the extent possible.


18.10. Languages

WELLINGTON CASINO offers its services to the Player through forms written in French, English, Dutch, and Thai languages.

These General Terms of Use are translated into French, English, and Dutch, based on the Player's navigation choice. The English version is provided to users who have chosen Thai.

In case of contradictions between the different language versions of these General Terms of Use from WELLINGTON CASINO, the French version, which is the original version, prevails.


18.11. Archiving and Evidence

Files, data, and documents stored by WELLINGTON CASINO on computer media in WELLINGTON CASINO's computer systems, under reasonable security conditions, will be considered evidence of communications and game results between the Player and WELLINGTON CASINO.

WELLINGTON CASINO keeps records of any agreement made electronically between WELLINGTON CASINO and a Player to benefit from WELLINGTON CASINO services without making these documents available to third parties.

In the event of discrepancies between the result of a game presented on the Site and the result recorded, directly or indirectly, by WELLINGTON CASINO, including on its computer server through the Software, the result recorded by WELLINGTON CASINO will always prevail.


Article 19 – Applicable Law and Jurisdiction Clause

This Contract is subject to Belgian law, without prejudice to mandatory provisions that the Player may invoke under Article 6 of Regulation (EC) No 593/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the law applicable to contractual obligations.

In the event of a dispute or controversy between the Player and WELLINGTON CASINO arising from, or related to your use of the Sites, the parties shall attempt to resolve the dispute promptly and in good faith within a period of 14 days from its notification by either Party. If the dispute cannot be resolved within the aforementioned period, the Belgian courts and tribunals of the judicial district of Charleroi have exclusive jurisdiction for any dispute regarding the application or interpretation of these General Terms of Use.

WELLINGTON CASINO offers its services to Players through forms in French, English, and Dutch. These General Terms of Use are translated into these three languages based on your choice of navigation. The French version will prevail in the event of a conflict between the translation and the French version.

The Player acknowledges that, notwithstanding any contrary statutory provisions, any claim or action against WELLINGTON CASINO must be made no later than fifteen calendar days after the event giving rise to the claim.

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